Allergen Friendly Nourishing Chai

Ayurveda: A Practical Ancient Tool For Modern Living
Ayurveda is tooted for many health and wellness cultivating practices and tools. The beauty of Ayurveda is it's simplicity. Ayurveda connects you to your body through your senses and you innate and intuitive connection to food, nature, times of the day and the seasons. This information is always available within you as it is inherent within all animals and plants, Ayurveda just gives us a way to reconnect with those parts of ourselves that haven't been cultivated yet. The amazing thing about Ayurveda is that it promotes transformative change through simple and mindful changes that we slowly and lovingly integrate into our everyday lives. Something as simple as adding a simple beverage to your daily routine at the same time everyday can have a profound effect on the rest of the day. Using food as medicine is why Ayurveda is a game changer.

A Warming Nourishing Beverage For The Cooler Seasons This nourishing and grounding chai is excellent for before bed time or an hour after dinner. In Vata season which is cold and dry (typically late fall through late winter) and Kapha season which is cold and wet (typically late winter through late spring) warming, grounding & nourishing drinks are essential to balance Agni (aka digestive fire)
Here's The Recipe:
This Is My Personal Recipe Free Of Caffine, Dairy, Soy, Gluten & Nut For Those With Sensitive Digestion! I prefer buying all organic to ensure the medicinal value of the food is still in tact and not laced with any herbicides, fungicides or pesticides that most definitely diminish the food's vibrancy and ability to deliver medicine in its natural and most potent form. Ingredients: 1 Bottle of Ripple Unsweetened UnFlavored Pea Protein Milk 4 Cups Of Puritied Water
6 Bags Of Puka Vanilla Chai 1/4 teaspoon Powdered Cardamom
1/4 teaspoon Powdered Fennel 1/4 teaspoon Powdered Turmeric 1/2 teaspoon Pumpkin Pie Spice 1/8 teaspoon Powdered Ginger (or 4 very thinly sliced fresh) Honey, Maple Syrup, Coconut Sugar (sweeten to your personal liking)
In a medium Sized pot add all ingredients (except sweetener) and let simmer on medium-low heat (or low depending on your stove settings) Let simmer for 25-35 mins. Add sweetener after you've removed pot from heat source. Serves about 8 people. Enjoy!